Here are my poker goals for 2009 in no particular order:
1) Win 3 satellite entries to the WSOP main event for less than the cost of 1 main event buyin
2) Win at least 1 live event with a buyin over $100 and with at least 140 entrants
3) Work on my reads harder than all of the last 3 years put together
4) Develop a workable cash game to effectively freeroll tourney buyins
5) Have at least 10 4 figure scores and at least 2 5 figure scores
6) Play less poker while attempting all of this so I can spend more time with my family and keep my wife from killing me (or worse divorcing me).
7) Respect every person I come accross playing poker. I am getting sick of the elite top lambasting others horrid play when they lose a pot. That is bad enough, but then they go on to worship their cronies plays when they do the exact same thing. You will see, "sick read" or "pwned" or similar verbage. I respect a lot of their games, but if some were as good as they thought they were..they would never lose despite having runs of bad luck. Maybe this is why I always wish Loretta8 and twoblackaces such luck in their felt endeavors. They win with class and they lose with class. They actually seem thankful when they have a good run instead of arrogant. Twoblackaces seems to get past 95% of the field over 40% of the time he enters. Seems like he doesn't get 1st 2nd or 3rd often enough for how many times he is able to get to the final 2 or 3 tables. I would definnitely like to incorporate more of both of these bloggers games in to my own game. I hope twoblackaces has a PXF subscription and watches a lot of the final table segments from past recordings (especially Pearljammer and Apestyles) as I think their play is similar. Best of luck.
Take care.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Finally something happened blogworthy. Played a few superturbos, a few mtts, and a $69 qualifier to the 750k yesterday. Only had 1 second place in the supers and 0 other cashes there. In the 750K qualifier, I doubled up the 2nd hand cracking utg's AA with a flopped set of nines (which turned in to quads on the turn). That left me 1st with 16 left (6 get a seat and 7th=$160). I typed in chat "uh oh..card rack early usually means bubble boy late." Guess I am prophetic as I bust 8th for $0. CMitch played and successfully milked a shortstack throughout all the way to a successful $215 entry. He seems to own these qualifiers. I played the 10am $26 buyin guarantee and made it fairly deep before succombing short of a payday. Now the good news...I won a $26 90man knockout tourney for approx $550 incuding bounties. I also played the $10 1 rebuy 1 addon 6.5K guarantee. I worked my way up to a top ten stack about 1/4 of the way in to the tourney and was able to stay top 10 pretty much the rest of the way. Chatted back and forth frequently with fellow blogger Jestocost who was coasting to the final table as well. He ended up busting 8th when his AK got allin to villian's 10 10. Jestocost flopped and ace but villian rivered a 10 for the win. This pot was fairly large and would have put him in 3rd I think. Anyway, he played great and will take it next time. I was hoping we'd finish 1st and 2nd (respectively lol). Anyway, after what seemed like a 2hr final table...I was able to lucksack my way to the win for about $2,100. I am going to upload the tourney to PXF as I am interested in seeing what my puff (i.e. PXF stats for how lucky you get with great/good/moderate/borderline/crap hands). I suspect it will be around 90 (which is very high). This usually means you were lucky enough to get a lot of premium hands and less garbage hands. I have found this to be somewhat misleading though as you are more likely to be able to easily get away from garbage hands when you get a lot of them and are more likely to get cracked for large pot losses when you catch a lot of monsters. Oddly enough, I had a ton of monsters in this tourney preflop but rarely got anything more than the blinds. I used this info (noone defending or playing back) to rape and pillage. One guy played back at me quite a bit so I waited for a good trap opportunity...and it paid off. See you at the tables!!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Hoe Hoe Hoe
Well I tried to sign up for the Pokerstars blogger championship...and they said no dice. Figured I might as well try to get back on the horse. Haven't had much to blog about since I have been running (I mean playing) bad. I did go to Turning Stone in NY over Thanksgiving to play a couple of live deep stack tourneys. I preregistered via phone with credit card and it was still a 45 minute process to get my seat assignment. It was a great structure. My first table I got seated 3 seats left of Irongirl. We had never met, but it soon became apparent she was a blogger from the table conversation. Play at my first table was the usual mixture of TAG LAG with a couple of rocks. I built a decent stack and our table finally broke about 4 hours or so in. This entire time we may have had 6 allins at that table (not totally unusual given ratio of the blinds to the depth of stacks). Any way, I get moved to a new table and there are 3 allins in my first 2 orbits there. Completely different atmosphere. Saw crazy shoves and crazy calls. There were 387 runners and the payouts started at the top 40 people. The tournament director announced that play would stop at 3am and resume the next day at 1pm. I had already registered for the 11am tourney the next morning and asked how that would work. He said I could play in both at the same time. I didn't see how that was going to work but figured i would see how things went. When they called time, I was 3rd in chips and there was 28 of us left... In the money, but we were all still deep stacked relative to the blinds. The next day, I started the 11am tourney with the hope of building a decent stack that could withstand me sitting out through blinds once the other tourney resumed. I managed to chip up to 32k from the 16.5k starting stack by the time it was 12:50 (10 minutes before the other tourney resumed) when my do or die hand came up. I am dealt JJ utg+3 and raise 4xbb. I had been very active and got called by both the cutoff and the small blind. Flop comes QJ9 rainbow. SB checks, I lead for 2/3 pot, cutoff calls, sb shoves allin and has me barely covered. I call hoping he has the slow played overpair KK or AA and was trapping me since I had been so aggressive trying to build my stack. The cutoff folds and the small blind shows K 10 off. His flopped straight holds vs. my flopped middle set and I am off to resume the tourney from the night before. My stack wavers back and forth between 660K and 410K. My critical hand comes when we are down to 19 players left and I am at 642K. Guy to my left has 390K. UTG is a short stack and limps for 20k (current blinds ante were 10k/20k 2k ante). I am 3rd to act and raise to 80K with AKsooted. Next player to act had 3 bet 3 of my last 4 raises and shoves allin for his 390K. Then a guy 6th to act that has me covered goes in the tank. He eventually folds his pocket jacks and everyone else included the shorty limper from utg folds. Action is back to me and I am looking at calling off 318k of my remaining 560k to win a pot of 816k. I tank and decide to call given his frequency 3 betting me as this would make me chipleader by a significant amount with 18 people left if I win. I figured that I could battle my way back if I lost with 240K. He had KK and held and I ended up going cardead thereafter. I took 14th for $757 (buyin was $260 i think) after my A9sooted shove (once down to 6bb) over a button raise couldn't get there vs. his JJ. First place would have paid $17K. I could have folded and stolen my way up the payboard when I had the $642k stack...but went for king of the mountain status by calling off with a drawing hand. I would probably do it again lesson not learned. Till next time, don't get them allin drawing dead!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
the one that got away

I played in the Bodog Player's Choice tourney tonight ($250+ 25) that awards a $12k buyin package to any 10k buyin event of the player's choice. There were only 27 people that played (i.e. a $5K overlay on a $12k prize...sick sick sick). At one point on the final table I lost a big pot to get down to 1800 forward to heads up where I was a 2:1 leader. I lost a big pot heads up that could have ended it (KQhh<33)> Congrats to my buddy Brad who took down his first ever win in a MTT with more than 200 people tonight and also to Two Black Aces who made another good run in the 8pm 32k guar on ftp.
GO DEEP or don't go at all!!!!!!!!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Heading to Atlantic City (a.k.a. shithole extrordinaire) in 10 days
My buddy Brad and I are going to Atlantic City one week from this Wednesday for some poker donkathons. I was able to get a room comp for 3 nights at any Harrah's property casino. I chose this guy's favorite spot...Showboat. The last time I went to AC I played all of my poker there exclusively and loved it. It wasn't as big as Borgota or some of the other ones...but it was clean, well organized, smoke free, and very quiet (it was nowhere near the main casino floor so there was no slot machine racket to be heard). I heard they have moved the cardroom though, so this may no longer be the case. Anyway, only plan to play their tourney on the 1st night we arrive ($80+ @7pm i think). After that, we will be playing at the Borgota for cash games and their daily tourneys. On Friday, they will have a $300+40 $75k guarantee that starts at noon. Hopefully most of my degenerate gambling brethren used all of their vacation time to go to Vegas during the WSOP and can't make this tourney to make for an overlay of BoDog proportions! Nice to see a lot of the Bloggers making big scores in lots of the online guarantee tourneys. Shout out to LJ for mentioning my turbo hundo score on her blog. She has been killing it these last few months. Had to work a rare day shift today (for some coin to take to AC) had to miss the Sunday majors. Will play the 10pm daily doubles and 10pm $26 buyin guar on tilt when i get home though. If anyone will be in AC in a week and a half and wants to meet up, give me a shout. TID...
Friday, July 11, 2008
Turbo Hundo on FTP Victory!!!
Just finished up winning the Turbo Hundo that starts at 3am on FTP for $7k. I don't know how to post screen you will just have to take my word for it. If anyone reads this, please respond with how to do screen shots on the blog. Anyway, I will post the tournament on pxf replayer if anyone is interested in watching a donk lucksack his way through the field. Saw a lot of tough regulars from BoDog playing this tourney (Fin2Win, DaisyXoXo, SoggyDogg (who is SoggyVag on BoDog) to name a few. Looks like Iggy is the last blogger standing. Hated to see that Lucko, LJ and Loretta8 did not go deep. I plan on playing next year but wish I had gotten to play this year for the experience. All for now. GLGL.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
The heater continues
After last Thursday's and Friday's big scores, I have continued with some big wins and lots of final tables. From Saturday to Tuesday (finished Wednesday a.m. about 07:30 actually) I have won a Bodog 5k guarantee $44+$4 for $1500, got 4th in a Bodog $50+$5 rebuy 8K guarantee for $975, got 5th in a Bodog $30+$3 5k guarantee for $280, got 2nd in a Bodog $20+$2 rebuy 5k guarantee for $1050 and got 1st in the 01:59EST $69+$6 FullTilt ?guarantee(doesn't matter guar. on ftp since there is almost never an overlay anyway) for a $4800 score. Was looking good in the 3am Turbo Hundo on fulltilt when I got AA all in pre against AJo and TT till the river 10 sent me to the rail (would have been top 10 stack with that pot). This is the 3rd time I have won the 01:59 event on FullTilt. Usually have been drunk off my ass when I won it including this time as I had been over to my friend Brad's for an evening cookout with the family. He is convinced that the 2 jack and coke's I had is the secret to a successful tourney...but maybe the 11 beers that followed didn't hurt either. Hate that I have to start back my 7 straight days of work tonight (will cool me off from my heater), but such is life. Most of all I hate not being at the WSOP Main Event as my game has really come around lately. I suck at live poker though because I can't read people for shit, but people can read me like an open book. I also have trouble playing such a small number of hands per hour as I usually have 6-8 tables going at once online:>). I am fairly certain at least one of our blogger brethren will go DEEEEP in the WSOP ME. LJ, Lucko, and Loretta8 are all on sick heaters right now and all stand a great chance go deep. Hope TuscaJohnny hits on his mega sat and plays as well. Don't know who backed him for the sat, but I would say it was a good investment. Not sure if CK is playing the main event or not, but if she is...I wouldn't want to draw her table either. I don't know how well I would adjust to such long levels and the superstack of chips. See so many push monkeys shoving so early in the ME that I would snap call my flopped top set to an allin shove from the guy who flops the OESD and he would hit his 8 outer on me. Guess we'll find out next year as I need to log some live practice time before I take my shot. I think Brad and I are going to go to the Borgota later this month and hit their daily tourneys for a few days. Definitely want to play the $300+$40 75k guarantee they run on Fridays. Till next time...felt the fish and bust the donkeys.
Saturday, June 28, 2008
I won the 11pm 10k guarantee on bodog this past Thurs. night ($200 buyin)...I think there was about an 1800 dollar overlay as only 41 players sooted up! It is a lot easier to win these things win you card rack it at the final table. That win was good for $4k...then last night I played in the 15k guarantee 100 dollar buyin that started at 8:30 pm while i was playing the live game down the street. With 4 people left I had a significant chip lead (1st paid 4500). Unfortunately, the guy who had the 2nd biggest stack once down to 4 made a standard raise from the button when i was BB. I flatted and flopped an oesd and 4spades to a weak flush. I bet, he raised, I shoved having him comfortable covered and having 2 draws at 15outs. He had pocket KK and I whiffed. This left me as a shorty and I eventually busted 3rd for 1785 payout. I sucked out this entire tournament to get there (it was nice to be on the other side for a change). Hope I can maintain this heater. All for now.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
short post before I take down the donkey wsop seat
Tonight I will play for the WSOP seat given away for the BoDog blogger tourney finale. I got 8th in the BBT3 TOC and 6th in the 2k freeroll. I am moving up and final tabled both. I think as long as I don't get coolered during a big hand, tonight we ride!!! Plenty of good competition including the host himself and and NewinNov who has run better than anyone the entire series. No noticable super easy chips...but I feel it coming. Will post to get some rest.
Sunday, June 8, 2008
8th in TOC = 46th in TOC
Couldn't get it done in the TOC tourney yesterday. Managed to be in 2nd place with about 25 of us left...but just couldn't close the deal. Made 3 really big mistakes. 1 actually helped me and 2 really killed me. In the one that helped me, I check raised a whiffed flop vs. Pirate Lawyer in a spot where I really shouldn't have been comitting chips. He folded after tanking (hopefully giving me credit for last weeks big game hand where I folded a flopped set to his flopped broadway when he reraised my lead on the turn). I am fairly sure he had me beat, but this gave me some chips. A short while later he and I jousted again when I coolered him with KK vs his 10 10 all in pre which got me a nice stack. I bled a few chips somewhere in there when Astin raised UTG 3.5x and it folded to me in bb with AKcc. I had him covered in chips over 4:1 and he would have been comitted with his 2K start of hand stack no matter what size raise I made so I just shoved. He had Aces of course and I could not get the miracle suckout. I was still in decent shape and managed to amass the stack that put me in 2nd behind oossuuu754. I then got involved with him in a hand that really played out poorly for me and I should have known better after watching the hand he eliminated Hoy with. It folded to me in sb with A3sooted. I just completed, then he raised 3x. I reraised and he flatted. Flop came KQJ and I check raised him...he shoves and I fold only leaving myself about 7.5k in chips. So I dropped from 2nd to 5th in a BvB hand. I thought I could take the pot with both of my raises giving him credit for not wanting to butt onions one of the only stacks that could hurt him...but I was wrong. Obviously overthought the hand and it really crushed me. The other hand I totally screwed up was against Astin. It folds to me in midposition and I have QQ. Astin is next to act and cold calls. Everyone else folds. Flop came out something like 772 rainbow and I check hoping to make a check raise since he had position. The turn was the Ace of Spades and I led to see if I was good. He shoves allin over the top and I have to fold. I should have just taken it down on the flop probably and this caused more chip spew. From that hand on, the only playable hand I got was 88 which I just called with UTG as one of the shorties. To most players at this level, this call from that position as a shorty looks like AA hoping to get raised for what is left of their I was hoping for folds to the BB, where I would shove any flop and pray. Instead, Katiemother (who was the only other player I had covered by this point) shoves allin. The bb folds and I call. 88 < J9 and I am crippled. I get lucky open shoving the button with next to no chips left while holding K7o by getting called by oossuuu being cute and calling with 72o. This gets me back to a playable 7.5k in chips but nothing good from there. I bust open shoving the button holding A6o and Scottc overshoves from sb with AK. No miracle and I bow out 8th. I definitely lack the late stage game for success and need lots of work. I keep seeing people shove and call with crap at critical stages to give them ammo they need to run...and I just can't bring myself to do it. Oh well, better luck Tuesday maybe. CMitch got bad beated a lot at the final table. But the beat oossuuu put on Hoy and the beat Loretta (one of the eventual winners) put on Tuscaloosa Johnny hurt me to watch. I didn't have any big suckouts...but also didn't have anyone suckout too bad on me. It just wasn't my day. Tuesday I promise.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
No Love
Outlasted Wonka but couldn't best Tuscaloosa John to take down the 2k prize for May BBT3 win. With Wonka out and TJ and I essentially tied as the points bubble approached (both as shorties), he pushed with K5 and got called by A5...king and 5 on flop and he doubled. This left me sucking hind tit with 2.5 bb left. It folds to me in small blind and I shove my paltry stack in with KJo and get called by Miami Don's A9off. He holds and I am left only to pray TJ goes out in the next 3 places. No love for me as TJ rightly folds to the points. I go into depression mode and sleep on the couch for the next 12 hours until my buddy Brad comes over & tells me to snap out of my funk and get my baggies on. We catch some glassy waste to chest high waves and all is right with the world again. Tuesday night, I played the Bodonkey entering the tourney 21st on the points list (needing 18th to secure a spot at the 18man shootout for the wsop seat). I figured I needed at least 10th and possibly even 9th place finish to have a chance. I took one big chance early getting it all in on the flop where I had 4 to a flush and also an open ended straight draw against ScottMc's AA with the Ace to the backdoor flush draw. I got there on the river and built a nice stack. From there I proceeded to race away with people I had covered at least 2:1 with somewhat marginal holdings and won each time to take the tournament chip lead. I get dealt AA under the gun after I had just open raised 3 hands in a row. I lead out with a pot sized raise expecting someone to call bs or at least race after the terrible starting showdown hands I had (e.g. 45sooted vs AKoff allin pre with my 45 hitting a 5 to take it down). Instead everyone folded. That was the end of my heater run though as I raised mp with Ak and got called by Bayne in the bb. Flop came jack high and he check raised me. Being the donk off chipmaster I am, I shove allin over the top of him and he had pocket hooks for the flopped set which unnecessarily quaded up on the turn. From there I had to slow down as I needed points. I raised Ak from ep again and had to fold to Gary Carson's allin shove from the BB. Raise AQ about 3 hands later and again have to fold to someone's allin overshove. This happens 2 more times with AQ and 1 mor time with AK and I am now in bad shape chip wise. I hold on to bust 8th and squeek in to the top 18 for the chance at a seat. GL me. BBT3 TOC Saturday = 46 players with 2 getting 12k prize and 3rd and 4th getting 2k. BBT3 winner take all Sunday for 2k (approx 130 players some of which will no show). Then Tuesday is 18 player shootout at Bodog for the 12k prize 2-5th also with some prize money. Going to need to not get unlucky early, then get lucky middle, then not get unlucky late to have a chance.
Friday, May 30, 2008
This is where the apple meets the pie
The title to this post is a saying my dad always uses when it is "crunch" time. My BBT3 May lead has dwindled to a mere 6 points. Fischman got 294 points for his season opening big game I imagine anyone in the top 14 places or so could pass me. Hopefully I can go deep whilst TJ and Wonka69 get bad beated. My two biggest blunders this month have been unregistering from the Hoy the week wonka69 won planning on rerigstering with a token instead of cash. I thought I had done this...but when my tourneys for 10pm popped up, only the 2 daily doubles and the 10pm $26 buyin guaranteed popped up. That really sucked. Then in last weeks Mookie, I thought I had calculated that I was already in the points and was getting I open shoved 46off into Baynes QJoff and went out 3 people shy of the points. I forgot BBT was top 25% and was caclulating off Bodonkey 30%. Damnit Damnit. Speaking of the Bodonkey, I have slipped all the way down to 21. I basically must get 10th or better in this last event or I can forget the 18man shootout tourney for the 12k package. Time to find out what kind of game I have when the pressure is on in both events. May your boats be full and your soots connect.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
pokerweblogs freeroll
Pokerweblogs is hosting a freeroll tourney for members on Pokerstars 5/18/08. Put a link to and let them know about it. Email the linked page location to
Freeroll is at Pokerstars, May 18th, 15:00 CET
Freeroll is at Pokerstars, May 18th, 15:00 CET
Got home from work Saturday morning and didn't have time to play any tourneys (told my wife I would meet her and my boys down at the beach + had to get a few hours of sleep before having to work another night shift and head straight to church Sunday a.m.). Anyway, decided to play some high stakes razz on fulltilt for a little bit before I headed to the beach ($30/$60). Sat down at the short handed table and could not believe the play. I will call with a marginal door card in a multiway pot sometimes due to situational observation (board exposure, stacks in play, % of time person always raises when showing a strong door card, etc.) but a couple of the guys that sat would routinely bring in with a K, then call a completion raise by one person showing anything from A-8. Bringin player would then catch something like a 9on fourth and call another bet from original preflop bettor that caught another strong card on 4th. 5th street would bring a brick for original bettor and bringin player would finally catch a good card. Action would be original preflop bettor would bet 5th and bringin player would raise??? This was a common scenario. Anyway, I had one guy that was just betting, raising and reraising anytime he had a strong door card showing. This setup a hand where I won my biggest cash pot to date. I had a made smooth eight on 5th and action was 3 way and capped the whole way till then. On 6th, one guy dropped and other guy just called with his board of 6/8/2/10. I catch perfect with a 4 on 7th giving me the wheel and he calls my last bet for a huge pot. Hope to play some tournaments late Sunday afternoon and Sunday night (HU blogger tourney a possibility...but I suck at HU matches so we'll see). Wife is maxing out on patience with amount of poker I have been playing though, so I don't know how much I'll play. See you on Monday for the Hoy. Need some points there for BBT3 purposes and definitely need a score in the Donkey Tuesday night as I currently sit in 17th spot with only 18 qualifying. Out.
Friday, May 16, 2008
BBT3, FTP Double B, and more
Well don't know if I'll be figure out how to post screen shots or not...but I have been on a miniature heater of late. Nothing Luckoesque or anything, but big for me. I won the Mookie Wednesday after having won the Skillz event the Tuesday of the week before. That has enabled me to currently hold the top spot on the BBT3 Leaderboard for May as of now. Narrow lead though over Tuscaloosa John who has been red hot and final table machine EVY. Anyway, I decided to use some of the winnings from the Mookie to play in the Thursday night daily double $75 10pm tourney on Full Tilt. I was running well in both, but busted in the A near the payout bubble. Got a decent stack in the B and was very active preflop once the the blinds and antes got up there. Got paid on flopped quads, 2 flopped sets, and a flopped nut flush. No action on any of my big pairs preflop. But the other wins were big enough to carry me. Had AK holdup allin preflop on the last hand of heads up and was able to take it down. Payout was $3900. Also took 2nd in the Bodog $100 buyin the other night for a $2K payout. Got heads up there against a player "The Maven" who I frequently see make it to final tables. I was able to comeback from a heads up deficit of 2:1 in chips to him and took a 3:2 lead...but he ended up getting the Win for the $3k. Didn't play much Friday...but did get a 2nd in a 90man $26 knockout tourney. Ride her until she bucks you.
I am not currently able to get the screen shots to work for the above claims. However, click this link to see a picture of my 2 boys playing with a 2 or 3 day old fawn in our back yard that must have gotten separated from his mama. This donkey's son is in the back ground.
Good luck.
I am not currently able to get the screen shots to work for the above claims. However, click this link to see a picture of my 2 boys playing with a 2 or 3 day old fawn in our back yard that must have gotten separated from his mama. This donkey's son is in the back ground.
Good luck.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Thank you for not playing
I would like to thank everyone for not playing the BoDog 100K guarantee on Sunday. The buyin was $109 and the guaranteed payout was 100K. Guess how many people signed up including satellite qualifiers? Less than 680. That's right, Bodog took in 68K (+the juice) but paid out 100k. I also played in the 10K guarantee $11 buyin that started 1/2 hr later...guess how many signed up? About 670. That's is right, in both of these tourneys, about 1/3 of the total prize pool was overlay. This is just awesome. Luckily, noone reads this blog, so I expect more of the same next week. The other sweet thing about the tourneys was that instead of only paying out 10% of the field with the bottom feeders that make the money just getting their buyin back...these tourneys paid 90 spots out of less than 680 entrants each. First payout for the 109 buyin tourney was $250 and first payout for the $11 tourney was $25. I made the money in both, but unfortunately made the minimum on both. Pushed JJ in to KK in the $11 tourney to bustout in about 80th place...and in the 100k I had 11k stack in BB with avg stack 24k; 67 players left and action folds to SB who I have covered by all of 417 chips; he shoves with J4off and I call with 99. He flops a jack and I go out next hand via forced allin sb unable to cover the sb and ante. I felt good about my play this tournament with the exception of 1 big mistake. I had about 14K in chips and open raise 3x bb from mp...button has been very active and reraises me but small ( I believe I had made it 1250 and he rr to 3200)...I have to call 1950 in to a pot that has about 6k with blinds and antes...I decide it is worth a look (villian had position and had me covered in chips) and end up having to check fold the whiffed flop. I honestly think that even though I was getting 3:1 on the call and we were deep enough to give me implied odds, in the end it is just spewage at this stage of the tourney. Of course some people could have just stop and go shoved there because they knew that if the turn didn't bring the 5, then the river would. Oh well, I definitely need to get better on my reads (i.e. quit 6 tabling), and amp up my aggression factor. Still pleased to have cashed in both of those tourneys (needed it since I am getting schelled on FTP). See some of you donkeys tomorrow in the hoy and some the next night in the Donkey and Skillz. Wish I wasn't too piss poor to play some of those FTOPS events but oh well. Avoid the suckouts.
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
BBT3 razz victory in the skillz event and points in the donkey.
Last night had a decent run in the blogger tourneys. I had over 15K in chips fairly early in the Bodonkey (when avg was only about 4k). I then imploded by shoving 66 over Miami Don's button raise (he had KK and took about 5k of my stack). Later, I get KK allin pre against I Crush Bloggers 88 and he rivers a straight (and would go on to take the tourney down). About 4 or 5 hands later, I raise with QQ from the button and cbags shoves from the sb with A9. Ace on the flop and one on the turn to boot and I am now the short stack. I hung on long enough for a few people to bust and squeeked in to the points. I only moved up one spot on the leaderboard though because even though I moved past 3 people, 2 others moved past me (I Crush and Instant Tragedy). Miami Don, Donkette, Lightning, Numbono, and TripJax are all right there as 15th is not safe. Definitely either need to get points in at least 2 of the remaining events or get 1 deep score.
The skillz event this week was razz. I love razz because the worst hand wins...and I am master of getting the worst hand. I decided I was going to play very aggressively if I could build a stack and go after the shorties. I started out slow but got going after about the first hour. I got a bigstack but JD Schellnutt HATER built up an even bigger stack. I know he is king of cash nlh...but there are scenarios where razz hands that appear to be junk or a big dog are actually a favorite or at the very least a coin flip. Fuel may know that a flopped oesfd is actually a slight favorite to a flopped top 2 pair...but might just not appreciate that there are times when the "obvious" currently "best" hand is actually a dog in razz. You must watch the whole table's board cards relative to outs. If 4 or more of your mathcing hole cards have been duped on the board and there have been 1 or no dupes of your opponent's exposed board cards, he may have you dominated in terms of current low, but you would likely be a the favorite. Anyways, I had many starting hands with an 8 or nine up to open that I would play based on board dupes of my hole cards and no dupe aces on the board to an open raiser showing an ace that would get me there by 7th due to increased likelihood of Ace raiser bricking and my decreased likelihood of bricking. Not saying I wasn't uber lucky. Just saying things aren't always as they seem. I would catch good and be an idiot to Fuel, yet an opponent might have 4K7K on his board and catch 7th good to beat my made rough 8 on 5th (betting it hard the whole way) and Fuel would comment that it was a "balls" call by said opponent. No big deal. I've been called worse many times and will be called worse many more. I know I am not top calibre, but am comfortable in my own skin. I might even idiot my way to a cash in the TOC now. Get paid or get laid and enjoy.
The skillz event this week was razz. I love razz because the worst hand wins...and I am master of getting the worst hand. I decided I was going to play very aggressively if I could build a stack and go after the shorties. I started out slow but got going after about the first hour. I got a bigstack but JD Schellnutt HATER built up an even bigger stack. I know he is king of cash nlh...but there are scenarios where razz hands that appear to be junk or a big dog are actually a favorite or at the very least a coin flip. Fuel may know that a flopped oesfd is actually a slight favorite to a flopped top 2 pair...but might just not appreciate that there are times when the "obvious" currently "best" hand is actually a dog in razz. You must watch the whole table's board cards relative to outs. If 4 or more of your mathcing hole cards have been duped on the board and there have been 1 or no dupes of your opponent's exposed board cards, he may have you dominated in terms of current low, but you would likely be a the favorite. Anyways, I had many starting hands with an 8 or nine up to open that I would play based on board dupes of my hole cards and no dupe aces on the board to an open raiser showing an ace that would get me there by 7th due to increased likelihood of Ace raiser bricking and my decreased likelihood of bricking. Not saying I wasn't uber lucky. Just saying things aren't always as they seem. I would catch good and be an idiot to Fuel, yet an opponent might have 4K7K on his board and catch 7th good to beat my made rough 8 on 5th (betting it hard the whole way) and Fuel would comment that it was a "balls" call by said opponent. No big deal. I've been called worse many times and will be called worse many more. I know I am not top calibre, but am comfortable in my own skin. I might even idiot my way to a cash in the TOC now. Get paid or get laid and enjoy.
Sunday, May 4, 2008
nothing new
Not much new happening lately. Still with poor results for the most part. I have been able to get big stacks mid way in my tourneys...then bust just in or just out of the money. One final table in a BBT3 in a Bodog in a Bodog freezout...and final tabled bodonkey last week going out TTAA hitting one outer as 8 of hearts would have completed flush for AA). Anyway, up to 16th in the Bodog rankings with only 5 weeks remaining...figure I will need 3 more points finishes to secure a spot or one very deep finish to get breathing room. I'll take 18th going in the as 18th=1st once the battle begins. Might play the 100K on Bodog today if my wife doesn't bust my balls for it. May the felt be with you.
Jerkoff Donkey
Jerkoff Donkey
Saturday, April 26, 2008
random mtt results
Played 4mtts yesterday am after work. Played my favorite mtt at 10 am on bodog (15+1 buy for 5000 chips and 5/10 starting blinds that progress slowly). This tourney sometimes guarantees $1500 sometimes $2000. It used to have a nice overlay every time, but lately has been close to meeting the guarantee. The reason this is my favorite is because with this stack and those blinds, you can play a lot of different starting hands early that can hit big and be disguised from all different positions...and you will be paid off (people love to stack off with top pair top kicker and weak draws). When you whiff, it is easy release at a relatively small hit to your stack. The other thing that is nice is that when you get to the final table, it is not unusual for at least 7 of the 9 left to have at least 15bb = still lots of room to play poker. This being said, I bubbled 19th yesterday with 18 paying (but I got my money in good trying to get a big stack>>>if you ain't first your last). Also played the 11am bodog 1700 guarantee for 9+1 buyin and busted fairly early just after the first break. Played the 10am $26 buyin FTP 10K? guar. Got double my starting stack early, then raised 3x utg with JJ. A guy had just been moved to our table with a custom avatar named David Bradley. I had never heard of him, but having a custom avatar, I checked the lobby to see if he was listed in red (FTP pro). Sure enough he was. Anyway, he reraises my 360chip raise allin for his 3200 chip stack. It folds around to me, and here is my genious thought way a pro who knows he is better than the field throws his entire stack in pre unless he is >70% favorite over expected $26 token tourney calling hands of any pp >77 AKs AKo AQs (being generous on assumtion given we are so early in tourn.). So I figure he must have KK or AA here and fully be expecting a call from a weaker hand salivating over his buyin bounty and the T-shirt. So what do I do after this analysis...I call like he should expect this salivating (J)erkoff (D)onkey to do. My genious rationale is "I still have about 2600 chips left if I lose, which is just under the starting stack and no different than having been card dead the first 35minutes." Anyway, the cards are exposed and he has AKo...I flop the unneeded set...get the bounty and T-shirt...have a 9K stack with average at 3.8K...and proceed to donk off my stack over the next 30 minutes. Such is the life of a net losing poker player, OPR bottom dweller, call station, etc. The fourth tourney I played was a rebuy on Pokerstars. I almost never play that site, but had some money there and was in the mood for a rebuy. It was an $8 rebuy and add-on with a 20k guarantee (ended up with 33k prize pool). 1068 entrants. I initially just bought in once and doubled on the second hand to 3k. Later in the first orbit, I doubled again by winning a 3 way pot to get to 6k. A couple of orbits later I gamble with AQs against a guy that had me covered and he stacks me with KK. I double rebuy and go on an absolute heater. By the time the rebuy period ends, I am at 31K and am in 5th place. I opt not to rebuy as I am already chip leader at my table and don't see any major advantage of moving my stack up less than 10% by moving my net buyin up over 30%. Anyway, I go dead the second hour and finish at the next break with roughly the same stack of 31k. 3rd hour brings better luck and I hang between 10th and 25th for the majority of the next hour. 180 spots paid and the bubble passes when I get down to an M of 4. I shove over a cutoff's raise (me on button) for my last 42k chips with QJo and it folds around. I was 54 of 56 going in to this hand. Very next hand I get 88 cutoff and shove over mp's limp to take blinds antes and his limp. Next hand I get 10 10. Big stack raises from ep and it folds to me in the hijack. I decide to gamble and shove. He calls with AKo and I win the flip. So in the course of 3 hands I go from 54 of 56 to 14 of 54. Table gets active and I blind down to M of 6. I open for a steal from the button and get flatted by sb and bb folds. I have Q 10 and flop comes J 10 4 rainbow. SB checks and I bet 1/2 my tanks and shoves. I call comitted and am ahead with my 10s (sb has AKo). Turn is a King and I am out 44th. Shiatt. Till next time.
Monday, April 14, 2008
FINALLY...i have figured it out
It isn't variance after all...I suck! Got shortstacked in the silver freeroll by shoving AhKh in to 22 (22 raised for 3rd time in last 4hands and i shoved allin over the top...he calls and I do not improve). Hang on till close to the bubble and finally shove allin pre with 77...get called by sb 88...catch a miracle 7 on the flop...and get resucked by the river 8. That was all fairly standard. But I really figured out how bad I must be in the live game $50 rebuy and add on. 20 people showed and tourney payed 4 spots (1st $1350 i think). I double buyin for 10k in chips and get that to about 13k over the first 3 orbits. Then pick up KK and make a standard raise player cold calls and button calls. Flop comes 962 rainbow and I lead for 1/2 player raises 3x my bet...i push allin and he tanks then calls and shows JJ. I hold and he rebuys. I now sit with about 17k chips. Lose about 1200 of those floating with a J high flop when i raised 88 preflop shortly thereafter. Then comes the big hand for me. JJ player from earlier limps..cutoff completes and i check my option from the bb with 83off. Flop 883. Sb checks...I check...JJ player from before opens for pot size bet...cutoff folds..I raise..he minreraises and I shove. He again tanks and then calls. He tables 86o and I just have to dodge the 2 outer (or chop fromm runner runner paired over card). Turn is a Jack and river is an Ace. He says "fuck this bs" and does not rebuy. Sooo now I have about 21K in chips when the average is at about 8k. I finish at the break with 19k and add on for another 5k chips. Win a few pots after the break and get up to my highwater mark of about 29k. I then get involved in a big pot with the host of the tournament. He had 18k to start the hand. He raises from utg+1 and I call from cutoff with 9d10d. Flop comes AdJc7h. He bets half pot and I call. The turn is the Kd. He leads for about 1/3 of the pot and I shove allin with the flush and gutterball draw. He has to call off his last 9500 chips and tanks. I could have just called to see if I could catch, but I know this guy to be good enough that I thought he would fold anything short of a set or higher flush and better gutter ball draw there. He called and tabled AQo and I blanked the river. Now I am one of the shorter stacks and go card dead. I blind down to 7.5k in chips right when the blinds increase to 500/1000. I get AQo in the BB and shove over a limb by the button and complete by the sb. Very next hand I get 99 in the sb and shove over 1 limper from mp. BB and limper fold and I am up to 11.5k chips (average now about 18k). Very next hand I am on the button and see a TAG player limp from utg 3 folds...a limp...and a fold. I raise to 3500 from the button hoping they read as a move from postion. Sb and BB fold and both limpers cold call me. Flop comes J92 with 2 spades (i have no spade). I put my last 8k of chips in the pot when they check it to me. Utg folds but mp player calls and shows 99 for flopped set. I do not improve and I am out. So despite starting with a massive chip lead, I cannot close. I pretty much got bitchslapped around during my big card drought between the rebuy period and the big pot for 36K chips that i lost on the draw to 12 outs with only 1 card to come. Time to lick my wounds and figure out a better game plan. Hopefully things go better tomorrow night in the Bodog Blogger tourney. Still dangerously close to the 18man bubble in points and could really use a top 5 finish to get some breathing room (not to mention the free T$109 so graciously given to the top 5 finishers by Bodog). May your Aces hold and races win as long as I am nowhere near.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
$50 rebuy and addon live tourney and ftp silver freeroll
I will be playing in a $50 rebuy and add on tourney at 3 this afternoon at the local friday live game guy's house (Greg's) just down the road today. I called him last night to see if he had wireless so I could play in the FTP silver freeroll that will start shortly after. Looks like it is a go as well. Maybe I can lucksack that like I lucksacked the Bronze last month. The bronze freeroll had about 1500 people registered...looks like the silve has about 900. Of course the key will be getting seated at a starting table full (or mostly full) of no shows. This is how I amassed the huge stack by the 2nd break in the bronze. I called Greg last night also to warn him to hide the money from the rebuy somewhere away from the chips. Apparently, the NCIS (North Carolina Investigative Services?) decided to be overachievers and arrest 5 guys playing poker in Morehead City, NC a couple of days ago. They said officers had spotted gambling equipment (notably poker tables) in an adjoining office of a new pub that opened in the area, and decided to get a search warrant. They broke in on 5 guys between the ages of 42 and 75 playing poker and issued misdemeanor citations to all 5. Asshats should be focusing their attention more on the crystal meth problems in the area than the poker "problem." Anyhow, they said they confiscated the $7,000 that was in play (sounds like a pretty juicy game). Anyway, hopefully I'll have something good to report back tonight...if I can get some chips late again by picking off this Blonkey. Time to crack me some Acesholes.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
bodonkey 12th and no traction in skillz
I got pushed around quite a bit in the Bodonkey Tuesday as I had to fold to reraise after reraise. I had taken the early chiplead when my KK pot sized preflop raise during the first level was called by the sb. Flop came QJ7 and sb led for 140. I called to keep pot control given the deep stack nature of the tourney (in case villian had qj or 77). Turn is a king and the board has 4 suits. He leads for 480...i raise to 1160 and he instashoves for his remaing chips. I call with top set praying he doesn't have A 10 and he tables Q6off??? Anyway, I got pushed around despite my stack after that till i finally took a stand on pokahdave's button raise 3x pre in to an unopened flop... i shove with 10 10 and dave had AA. I lose and am now a short stack (1800 i think). I build back up a decent stack and lose 1/5 stack calling shorty allin from bb...then 1/4 calling another shorty allin next time i am bb. Calling with pot odds against short stack range is not paying off. Oh well. I build back up and then double Blinders (Whatsthanutz) when he min raised utg while being a shorty himself. I jammed him with my AQ and his KK held for a double (obv. lethal mistake). He has owned me in this tourney. I held on long enough to make the points then doubled my short stack by shoving A9o and getting all hand i shove JJ and get called by small blind's 77...turn is a 7 and IGH in 12th place. Moved up to 13th on the Leaderboard, but certainly not safe. Skillz i made it about to the top 3rd but never got a big enough stack to contend. Had a small chat back and forth with Lucko21 who I know is 10x the poker player I could ever dream of becoming but i couldn't resist. Essence of chat after i went to the river in a razz hand to double him when he obv. had me beat...
Lucko: lol...terrible
JD: I tried to Lucko you
Lucko: no you tried to donkey me
JD: six in one hand, half dozen the other
all for now.
Lucko: lol...terrible
JD: I tried to Lucko you
Lucko: no you tried to donkey me
JD: six in one hand, half dozen the other
all for now.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Bodog WSOP Qualifier
Stop by Bodog tonight and play in the WSOP Blogger Tournament Series Qualifier Event. Why, you may ask. Well, Bodog is sponsoring an 18 week series (that is currently about halfway through) that will have 18 bloggers qualify for the tournament series final on June 10th. The winner gets the coveted 12K prize package to the WSOP. As if that wasn't enough, the field each week usually consists of about 50 people. Check out the site link for the points breakdown description. The buyin each week is only $10+1 and the top 5 finishers receive a bonus $109 in tourney dollars credited to their account to be used to register in other Bodog tourneys. As an added bonus, the first 5 "bubble" finishers (first five not to make the money payout spots) get T$11 credited to their account to be used to buy in to the tourney for the next week. For all the details and registration instructions...see the link above. Remember, it is not too late to join the contest. The current leader in the series got enough points in just 3 events that he would probably have made the top 18 just from those 3 tourney finishes. Have fun and good luck.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
long story short- AA < 8d7d Schellnutt vs. Goldenhammer. allin on the turn w/2 diamonds on board.
next time the bodonkey is mine.
next time the bodonkey is mine.
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
ftp badge
Brought to you by theOnline Poker Room FullTilt Poker and theDead Money Poker Blog byAlCantHang
make sure you have your FTP badge for the freeroll!!!
bodonkey time
Sunday, March 16, 2008
new online poker forum site
Signed up for a new poker forum site I came accross the other night while reading this blog . They had a tourney on Saturday for all of their members (small number so far as it is a new sight). It was a $5 + 50c on FTP at 1pm and they added $250 to the prize pool. I think they only ended up with about 17 there was a sweet overlay. I ended up getting second for about $70...not bad getting paid 13x buyin for top 10% finish. is the link to the new site if anyone reads this and if they are interested in signing up. Looks like it has a 2+2 feel with more of an emphasis on poker strategy instead of chest beating and beratings like you tend to see on 2+2. Have had zero luck since my big scores last week on full tilt (winning the bronze freeroll...4th in the Sunday night Horse and the near miss for the 12K main event seat last Tuesday).
When I see what these people call allins with midway through a decent size buyin tourney, it makes me want to shove allin preflop with my monsters everytime. If they have any ace or any pocket pair they instacall. Oh well. I have been doing decent on the $36 and $72 bodog turbo sngs and ok on the $50 bodog sngs. Need to somehow build enough to take some more shots at a main event package through satellite. All fo now. Later.
When I see what these people call allins with midway through a decent size buyin tourney, it makes me want to shove allin preflop with my monsters everytime. If they have any ace or any pocket pair they instacall. Oh well. I have been doing decent on the $36 and $72 bodog turbo sngs and ok on the $50 bodog sngs. Need to somehow build enough to take some more shots at a main event package through satellite. All fo now. Later.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
sooooooo close
Played in the $200 wsop main event qualifier last night on ftp while playing the skillz and bodonkey blogger events. Put all my focus on the qualifier...all for naught. There were around 190 people entered and 3seats guaranteed and cash for 4th. In just the 2nd orbit, Beth Shak (one of the red FTP pros) 3x utg...I call on the button with 2c4c...flop comes KcJc4x...she checks...i bet..she raises and I donkey shove...she calls with pocket rockets no clubs...I lucksack turn the flush and move in to 2nd place in chips. No bounty on Shak though because she had 230 more chips than me at the start of the hand. About 3 orbits later I open raise from the cutoff and get minraised by the small blind. I call and flop comes KQ7. I have 10 J with with suit matching the Q&7. SB checks...i bet out for pot...he pops me 3x my bet and I shove with oesd and non nut flush draw...he calls with KK for flopped top set and I river and Ace for broadway and take a huge chip lead as I was still 2nd in chips entering the hand and he was top 10. Figuring to have used up enough lucksackery for a month with so much on the line I stop playing any hands out of position and just wait for monsters to pick off short stack desperation plays. I was still able to steal from position because people were afraid of the combination fact that I had almost twice the chips of 2nd place and the fact that they saw I wasn't afraid to put them in the middle without the nuts but with big draws (knowing there tourney life would be on the line). Anyway, I go a long time on card drought and end up falling to 2nd in chips when we get down to 83 people left. More card drought and I end up being 11th by the time we get to 21 people left. I pick up a monster pot when I call utg's raise from the button with 79s...flop 792 rainbow...he bets I call turn is a 4 and he again leads and i again just call...river is a 6 and he jams for his entire stack...I had him covered and decided to call since I just didn't see how that board could have helped a preflop utg better. He turned over pocket Kings and I am back to 3rd in chips. I drop to 4th in chips when I have my bustout hand...folds to cutoff who is 3rd in chips...cutoff just calls the bb...i have AKo in the SB...I raise 4xBB after the button folds...the BB folds and the cutoff limper shoves allin...I have seen this same move for the last hour straight with A7 A3s K8o K3s etc. Not from this player...but still. Anyway, I decide to make the crying call. He has JJ. I miss the flop and he hits Jack on the turn to seal it. Win that hand and I have chip lead going in to final table (or tied for chip lead I think as I would have had 142K chips and guy at other table had 144k chips). Anyway, I bust out 10th and get no love. Shit happens and I know how lucky I was to have had the chance. The 50/50 allin chance on the flop against beth shak and then the broadway to crack the guys flopped top trips. Only had one real tough spot late where every steal attempt I made I got played back at by guys with enough chips to hurt me. That is not good when blinds are getting up there and there are significant antes and you are card dead for 80 straight minutes. Maybe next time. I had so many tables going that i made tragic mistakes in the blogger tourneys. In the PLO skillz game, I had a pot raise preflop in front of me when i held AA67 single suited. I pot reraise... Button reraised me pot and I get back to find I have timed out...might have gotten beat any way but that was definitely my chance. Then I donkey called Blinders shove allin from one of the blinds when someone had opened to 140 i had called with 99 and one more person called behind before he shoved. Only a windowlicker calls that shove (or someone 2 tabling on bodog and 9 tabling ftp) or in this case both...and i go out 1st or 2nd level in the donkey. Crapasaurous. Peace.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
no love in the ftp 4man freeroll but Horse works
Won my first of 2 heads up matches in the freeroll 4man shootout...but bushed all in with 4 to a flush and a gutterball on the flop...both of us having fairly equal stacks and I did not hit either. He flopped top and bottom pair. Oh well. I used some of my winnings from the freeroll yesterday to qualify for the Sunday horse event last night. Then played 5 more qualifiers and qualified twice more. Played (2) 75 token qualifiers and (3) 26 token qualifiers. Ran piss poor in tourneys on ftp and Bodog. Had AA and KK simultaneously on Bodog (in the bodog main event and also playing a 4 k guarantee. I pot raise with both and computer locks. Bad Beat. Then played the 8:30 Bodog tourney and pick up AA in bb second hand...button open shoves 2nd hand of tourney in to me. I insta and he turns over QJoff...turn flops a queen and rivers the nightmare. Horse event now over (for me)...scored a 4th for my first time ever playing the Sunday Horse event. Wouldn't have even been able to play had it not been for the freeroll win. I both took and laid some wicked beats in that Horse tourney. Was on life support multiple times only to luckout and suckout to stay alive. Goot night for now.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
gold in the ftp bronze special olympics
"Even a donkey has his day." Had a pretty good run yesterday into this a.m. at the tables. I won the FTP Bronze freeroll that had 1374 people in it. Then I final tabled the $10+1 midnight madness tourney (busted 8th) that had 1829 people in it. I am currently on break in the $75 token $18K guarantee that starts at 01:59 EST. Currently 14 of 29 with original number of runners at 222 with 27 paying. I will update results next break or at bust. The Bronze freeroll was incredible...At one point with 7 of us left I had 1.19million chips and closest person to me had 202k. Even I couldn't manage to screw that one up and not win with that big a lead. Hopefully I can score big and win the 4 man shootout tomorrow between the 4 winners of the FTP freeroll events. $5k to the winner and a shot to play 3 or 4 FTP pros heads up for another chance at up to 50k. Busted 19th in 18K damnit. KJ in bb and called minraise from button...flop J104rainbow...I check raise allin..he calls with J 10 off and takes me out. Next time. I love this tourney as it is the only one I have won twice. Off to sleep, church, then freeeeeeerolllll time...also won a qualifier for the Sunday Night Horse tourney $200. I will donate chips there.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Poker results: Busted a pro (fishman) on ftp in a $20 90 man ko tourney the other day...then donked his chips off over the next 2 levels to bust short of the money. Got a seventh in the 11pm Bodog 200 buyin paid $910 last tuesday. Got 9th yesterday in the $2k guarantee 10am Bodog tourney (my favorite as it is a superstack 5,000 chips starting stack blinds 5/10). Sucking ass on FTP... love the site love the software...hate my results. glgl
The post for today is about tilt. One thing about it if you play poker and say you never are a bold faced liar. There are varying degrees of tilt and various ways of going on tilt. Some people throw tantrums (or beer bottles). Some people get depressed. Some people commit bankroll suicide (because I deserve to get all that money back right away that some codsatchel sucker just sucked out from me hitting their 2 outer on the river). Some people delete their blog (which had a wealth of archive strategy info that was useful to some of us low level hackers). Some people criticize everything others do like they are the only one in this world who knows how to play poker. The fact of the matter is, tilt kills. I cannot thing of one positive benefit from tilt. A recurring theme from many successful bloggers is that their goal is to make the best possible decision as often as possible. After that, it is out of your hands. If someone runs you down chasing an unfathomable draw when you pot bet the whole way mid and late stage in a tourney or check raise an already monster size pot on the turn playing nl cash game...God bless them in their foolishness. This is what we want. Tilt should come more from when you check raise as a bluff...get shoved on...then call with a naked draw once you have been picked off because the pot has become so big. Tilt can reasonably ensue there because you knew better and did it anyway. Always have outs. So just remember, next time me or some other donkey chases you down...Beats happen. All for now.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Short update: Bubble boy in the 28k and 50 50 at FTP, got 17th in the 3k guarantee at bodog for a small cash and 7th in the 10k for $350. Plan on taking down the Bodonkey tonight to work my way to the tourney of champions match for the wsop seat. Seem to be picking up little tidbits from other bloggers, friends, and pxfactor that has helped me navigate late game strategy in the mtts lately. SLLLLLLOOOOOOWWWWWWWLLLLLYYYYYY improving. Long way to go. GLGL.
Friday, February 8, 2008
off to myrtle
I will be going to Myrtle this weekend again. For the Suncruz excursion again.??? NO...Wifey and I will be celebrating our 9th anniversary. On the poker front, I have again played a ton of tournaments. Went fairly deep in the 50 50 the other night only to bust with money going allin on the queen high having pocket queens and villian having nut flush draw. Made it to 52 of 1558 in daily double A and busted because I got impatient and made a move on a guy with 44. He had just raised my big blind for the 3rd straight orbit and I was down to an M of 4.5. Getting my ass kicked on BoDog till i won a small tourney this past AM that started at 03:30 (120 players $12 + $1 guaranteed $1,500 (got $450 for 1st). Busted out of Bodonkey when I turned a full house of kk444 and money goes all in...MoFo69 (WillWonka on FTP) calls turn holding A4 (board had 2 4s) and rivers the miracle 3 outer. Don't know too many people who wouldn't make the turn call holding trip 4s top not dogging him...just sucks. Take care and Goot Luck.
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
not much
Not much to post about today. Had to catch up on sleep after yesterday's 6 hour rebuy tourney followed by 12hr work. Played 3 sngs...$11 got 2nd $22 got 5th...$33 got part was in the $33 when we got heads up...opponent typed in thanks for the chips after i doubled him up and he took the chip lead...3 hands later he was busto. Out for now.
Monday, February 4, 2008
recipe for a rebuy
Pre superbowl $50 rebuy and addon local live game: 18 players-
rebuy recipe: buy in double for 8k chips...chip up to 12k...donk off chips to below 4k and rebuy to get back to 8k chips...chip up to 13k by 1st break...add on at break for 4k more chips to get to 17k...fold...fold...fold...fold...fold........get aces utg and get paid by aggro in mid position to double and take chip lead...donk chips...donk chips....fold...fold...fold...fold...donk chips...fold...fold...blind off and get short 7th of 10 at final table...get lucky and win a race with short stack shove 44 in sb in to bb AK allin pre...2 hands later double up again w/ 10 10 allin on flop vs 88 after flop of 642rainbow...eliminate that player 6 hands later me with 88 him 33 on his short stack shove from cutoff into my BB allin preflop...back to chip more big hand with my JackAce call from the BB after UnTiltable shortstack desperation open shove from button (3.5:1 chip lead on him at time and his M was about 4). From there folded my way to final 4 (3 paid) and was able to leverage my chip stack on the bubble to take it down. $200 of buyins and $1,000 for first place. Long story short. Chip up the expensive way...donk donk goose...get lucky...get lucky...get paid by aggro monkey...get stupid...get stupid...get lucky...get lucky...don't get unlucky...use position and chip stack leverage. Probably the only reason I won was I was one of only 2 people not getting slam ass drunk. This was only because I had to go straight from tourney to work a 12hour night shift. Blinding off for now. goot luck.
rebuy recipe: buy in double for 8k chips...chip up to 12k...donk off chips to below 4k and rebuy to get back to 8k chips...chip up to 13k by 1st break...add on at break for 4k more chips to get to 17k...fold...fold...fold...fold...fold........get aces utg and get paid by aggro in mid position to double and take chip lead...donk chips...donk chips....fold...fold...fold...fold...donk chips...fold...fold...blind off and get short 7th of 10 at final table...get lucky and win a race with short stack shove 44 in sb in to bb AK allin pre...2 hands later double up again w/ 10 10 allin on flop vs 88 after flop of 642rainbow...eliminate that player 6 hands later me with 88 him 33 on his short stack shove from cutoff into my BB allin preflop...back to chip more big hand with my JackAce call from the BB after UnTiltable shortstack desperation open shove from button (3.5:1 chip lead on him at time and his M was about 4). From there folded my way to final 4 (3 paid) and was able to leverage my chip stack on the bubble to take it down. $200 of buyins and $1,000 for first place. Long story short. Chip up the expensive way...donk donk goose...get lucky...get lucky...get paid by aggro monkey...get stupid...get stupid...get lucky...get lucky...don't get unlucky...use position and chip stack leverage. Probably the only reason I won was I was one of only 2 people not getting slam ass drunk. This was only because I had to go straight from tourney to work a 12hour night shift. Blinding off for now. goot luck.
Sunday, February 3, 2008
back on the blogging horse has been a looooooonnnnnngggggg time since my last post. I am an observer by nature (I enjoy reading other's blog posts more than posting my own). I have played a lot of poker lately (Mostly SNGs and MTTs with some cash games mixed in). I have made my first big poker stride in the past 12 months from sucking really bad to just sucking pretty bad. My goal is to become a net winner over the next 12 months (long road ahead...kiss my ass Sharkscope). I have had a couple of big scores in the last 6 months including 2 1st place finishes in the 1:59 EST $75 token MTT on FTP for a couple of big cashes and a 2nd place finish in the 40K 8:30 pm guarantee on BODOG for a $7,000 score (this was singlehandedly attributable to my good friend and fellow blogger Untiltable15 who made ALL of my tough decisions for me. Despite these big wins, I foolishingly commit bankrole suicide every time. That is where I need to work the hardest in the upcoming months. In a few hours, I will be playing in a pre superbowl $50 rebuy and addon live tourney locally (Untiltable15 to attend as well). We expect about 20 players with average investment per head at only $100 as many will buy in for $50 and not rebuy or addon... most will do initial buyin and 1 add on...and some of us donkeys will probably pony up about $200 before busting after the 1st break on a semi-bluff. Shout out to Untiltable for his 1st place chop in the Friday Suncruz (North Myrtle Beach) MTT last week. He is kicking ass cash games as well. See some of you Tuesday at the BoDonkey!!!
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