Saturday, March 8, 2008

gold in the ftp bronze special olympics

"Even a donkey has his day." Had a pretty good run yesterday into this a.m. at the tables. I won the FTP Bronze freeroll that had 1374 people in it. Then I final tabled the $10+1 midnight madness tourney (busted 8th) that had 1829 people in it. I am currently on break in the $75 token $18K guarantee that starts at 01:59 EST. Currently 14 of 29 with original number of runners at 222 with 27 paying. I will update results next break or at bust. The Bronze freeroll was incredible...At one point with 7 of us left I had 1.19million chips and closest person to me had 202k. Even I couldn't manage to screw that one up and not win with that big a lead. Hopefully I can score big and win the 4 man shootout tomorrow between the 4 winners of the FTP freeroll events. $5k to the winner and a shot to play 3 or 4 FTP pros heads up for another chance at up to 50k. Busted 19th in 18K damnit. KJ in bb and called minraise from button...flop J104rainbow...I check raise allin..he calls with J 10 off and takes me out. Next time. I love this tourney as it is the only one I have won twice. Off to sleep, church, then freeeeeeerolllll time...also won a qualifier for the Sunday Night Horse tourney $200. I will donate chips there.


Fuel55 said...

Nice bankroll boost. Seats open at $10/20NL.

smokkee said...

wtg JD!

gl in the shootout.

SirFWALGMan said...


UnTiltable said...

Forgot to leave you some props on the win.. very nice.
You should include the story of your playing venue for that